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  • Writer's pictureGretchen Schmidt

5% To Charity - DESC (Downtown Emergency Service Center) - Chris and Emma's Choice

I care about what you care about, and I'm putting my money where your heart is! I'm donating 5% of every commission to each client's favorite charity.

Showcasing Chris & Emma's Choice - DESC (Downtown Emergency Service Center)

Chris and Emma needed a change. Their once perfect townhouse they bought as a couple did not accommodate their new family lifestyle anymore. I helped them find a wonderful family home in Seward Park with multiple bedrooms on the same floor. It is also near several parks so their their little one has playgrounds and fields nearby.

Knowing that having a place to call home is key in stablizing a community, they chose to support DESC for their 5% contribution. Through a volunteer opportunity with his job at Zillow, Chris learned how DESC is an organization that is actively working to end homelessness with a Housing-First philosophy. Housing skips all of the standard requirements for individuals to get government assistance, and instead focuses on providing individuals with a safe place to call home first, with no other requirements other than to be in need. This strategy has proven to be successful in getting people off of the streets and into beds, and reduces the economic burden of homeless individuals on municipalities as it’s cheaper to house someone than for them to be homeless. Find out more about DESC at

When you buy or sell with me, you can support your favorite school, social justice organization, food bank, un-housed neighbor program, veteran group, or anything else you care about. How great is that? What will you choose?

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