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  • Writer's pictureGretchen Schmidt

5% To Charity - Mitochondrial Research Guild

I care about what you care about, and I'm putting my money where your heart is! I'm donating 5% of every commission to each client's favorite charity.

Showcasing Todd & Catie's Choice - Mitochondrial Research Guild

Todd and Catie saw that I had sold a condo in their building for a great price. They had been renting it out for years, but their long-time tenant moved out and they decided they were ready to stop being landlords. They enlisted me to sell their investment home. I helped them decide what projects would provide the best return on investment, provided recommendations for contractors and coordinated the work. Even though the market was slow, I secured a price $10,000 more than the listing price in just 5 days. When I asked them which charity they would like me to support, they chose, Mitochondrial Research Guild. They have friends in Woodinville whose son has Mitochondrial and their friend has run the annual auction to raise money for many years. Additionally, they have a tremendous amount of appreciation for Seattle Children's in general.

The Mitochondrial Research Guild is a special interest guild of Seattle Children's Hospital. The guild was founded in 2002 by a group of patient families working together to raise awareness, promote research, and improve the quality of care available to children and their families dealing with the devastating and potentially life-threatening effects of this disease. There is no cure for mitochondrial disease. Although it is one of the fastest growing disciplines in biomedicine, it is still classified as a rare disease, meaning many people never hear about it until somebody they know is diagnosed. The Guild works to educate physicians and the general public on the lived experiences of children and families impacted by this disease, they also work to fund critical research to find ways that can improve the quality of life for patients and their families. If you would like to know more about Mitochondrial Research Guild, go to:

When you buy or sell with me, you can support your favorite school, social justice organization, food bank, un-housed neighbor program, veteran group, or anything else you care about. How great is that? What will you choose?

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